Once you have subscribed to a membership, click on "Products" to get started.

Mary Aspinwall, PCH, RSHom (NA)
Nov 13, 2021

Once you have subscribed to a membership and logged in, click on "Products" to get started.

On a phone, please tap the 3 horizontal bars (or dots) in the top right corner to locate: "products".

Our #newbie course remains free (as do our resources on remedyseeker.com and on Mary's Homeopathy Study Group on facebook) and no credit card details are required to participate.

The instructions below relate only if you want to upgrade to a paid membership plan.

To upgrade to a paid membership after you have completed #newbie and want to move on to #aware, see below. (for members choosing to upgrade to a paid membership)

Podia's system won't let pre-existing members upgrade, without having a credit card on file.

  1. Check that you are logged in to your existing Homeopathy World account.

  2. Click on your account link (circle with your initials followed by downward arrow ) - in a desktop this will be in the top right corner of the screen to the right of "products" or on a mobile device click on the 3 horizontal lines).

  3. Click on "settings"

  4. Scroll down the page to enter your credit card details in the "billing" section.

  5. Click Save credit card. 

  6. It may open a new tab, which is OK because you should still be logged in.

  7. Now, because you have a credit card on file, you will be able to upgrade easily.

  8. Return to the "Billing" page. and click "edit" across from "community"

  9. Click on the blue "Change your membership plan" button and upgrade to #Aware

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Susan Wiebe
Feb 28, 2022
I am sorry I didn’t know I needed to enter a credit card to learn about homeopathy. I will find other ways 
  Thanks for sharing your knowledge 
Nancy Malmberg
Mar 31, 2022
Figured it out!!!  Can't wait to get started, thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Stwfanie Koschnitzky
May 4, 2022
How do you get to the newbie free course? It keeps asking for a credit card
Mary Aspinwall, PCH, RSHom (NA)
May 5, 2022

Once you have subscribed to a membership and logged in, click on "Products" to get started.
On a phone/ipad, please tap the 3 horizontal bars in the top right corner to locate, "products"

The instructions below relate only IF you want to upgrade to a paid membership plan.
Our #newbie course remains free (as do our resources on remedyseeker.com and on Mary's Homeopathy Study Group on facebook) and no credit card details are required to participate.

To upgrade to a paid membership after you have completed #newbie and want to move on to #aware, see below.
(for members choosing to upgrade to a paid membership)

Podia's system won't let pre-existing members upgrade, without having a credit card on file. 
Check that you are logged in to your existing Homeopathy World account. etc.

Hope this clarifies the situation for you.